Saturday, June 25, 2011

Welcome to the EDQP Watch

Hello and welcome.   This is your blog spot to get the latest gouge on the Navy Reserve Engineering Duty Qualification Program (NR EDQP).   This site will be monitored by senior officers to help with any questions, ideas, or comments that you may have on the EDQP.  Concerns with the material?  How to set up a mock board?  What will the questions be like?  What is a white paper?  How do I get help?  Anything is fair game to ask - you won't be the first, and it will help your fellow candidates.  

Stop back often to stay 'in the know' and sign-up for email alerts.   Good luck - you have already tackled the first challenge by becoming an EDO candidate; you have the stuff to pass with flying colors.  Navigate this course well, and you will have a lifetime of career influences that will make a positive difference to you, your Navy, and your country!